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WASH Cluster Coordination Platforms, GWC partner organizations, Public Health and WASH practitioners. Note that registrations are closed for this upcoming collaborative event.


The Global WASH Cluster’s (GWC) Annual Meeting will be an opportunity to reflect upon sectoral strategies, coordination, partnerships, and leadership by reviewing progress to date, identifying gaps and priorities, and gaining valuable insights to shape the future of the cluster. Download the agenda and flyer here.
Note that the GWC Annual Satellite Events which will be held the following week 26th-30th April 2021 is a public event.
We also would like to remind you that all related Global WASH Cluster information can be found on the GWC website. We look forward to our to your participation in this event!

If you need any technical support please contact us at


2. To explore sectoral coordination
Tuesday, 20 April 2021: 14:30 - 17:00

  • Showcase innovative models of collaboration (e.g. intern sectoral, area-based coordination, humanitarian development peace nexus, participation, inclusion and accountability, localization, public health)
  • Identify key strategic priorities for coordination

Sign up for the Global Wash Cluster event

Main Event Concept Note and Agenda Dates 19th - 23rd April 2021 – from 14h30-17h00 CEST each day

Please note that registration is required in order to participate - final confirmations for participation will be sent to your email by Wednesday 14th April.


Thanks for your registration, we will keep you informed by email.


Beste {voornaam},


Bedankt voor je aanmelding voor het 5e symposium circulaire maakindustrie op 07 december 2021.

Je ontvangt zo dadelijk een bevestigingsmail met daarin alle informatie.


Met vriendelijke groeten,

Team circulaire maakindustrie

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