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Thursday, 29 April 2021
13:00 - 15:00 UTC

Capacity building of Humanitarian WaSH staff through the development of postgrtaduate and humanitarian WASH Masters

IHE-Delft, 2ie and GJU in cooperation with the Humanitarian Sector and the GWC, aim to extend the provision of humanitarian WASH education by partnering with humanitarian actors and learning institutions to create an alliance to scale up, diversify and localize the educational offer for the sector through the newly developed Graduate Professional Diploma Programme (GPDP) in Humanitarian WASH at IHE Delft.. The objective of the session will be first to inform the sector on the contents of the GPDP , including its development process and current registration, to then explore opportunities of partnering with humanitarian actors and learning institutions worldwide. The findings of a current, related feasibility study, which is designing a proposed approach to establish a learning system at postgraduate level, will be presented to concentrate on possible cooperation formats. The session will be followed by bilateral meetings for partners or national coordination platforms that are willing to be part of this initiative.

Sign up for the Global Wash Cluster event

Main Event Concept Note and Agenda Dates 19th - 23rd April 2021 – from 14h30-17h00 CEST each day

Please note that registration is required in order to participate - final confirmations for participation will be sent to your email by Wednesday 14th April.


Thanks for your registration, we will keep you informed by email.