Faecal Sludge Management Technical Working Group – FSM Quality Standards
According to the FSM TWiG, the Emergency WASH sector needs to improve the quality of sanitation and especially faecal sludge management services in emergencies. We believe that clear standards would help; however, none currently exist.
The FSM TWiG would like to use this satellite session to facilitate a discussion among WASH practitioners, planners, donors, policy makers, and researchers about the progression of FSM standards and which additions could best support FSM emergency interventions moving forward. Based on interviews with key experts, three alternative sets of quality standards have been defined. This session will be used to discuss, defend and vote on the best set of FSM quality standards for emergencies.
Marij Zwart (Netherlands Red Cross)
Laura Kholer (CAWST)
FSM TWiG members
The Netherlands Red Cross on behalf of the FSM TWiG