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Wednesday, 28 April 2021
14:00 - 15:00 UTC

GBV and risk mitigation in WASH


• Peer-to-peer learning on good practices and challenges in GBV risk mitigation in WASH especially in the HPC.

This session will use mainly South Sudan as a case study to learn good practices, challenges and gaps of GBV risk mitigation into WASH especially in the HPC. South Sudan WASH cluster has been leading GBV risk mitigation into the HPC work in several years and considered as one of the best practices across. Some example from Afghanistan or other context may be presented. The session will be guided by four key questions 1) How to integrate GBV risk mitigation into the WASH HPC – collaboration with GBV and other actors, 2) how to implement the HRP in reality? 3) what is the impact of GBV risk mitigation into WASH outcome and 4) how has South Sudan kept the momentum and manage institutional knowledge of GBV risk mitigation? The participants will have opportunity to ask questions and share their thoughts and experiences in the session.

This session will be part of a broader GBV risk mitigation stocktaking workshop that UNICEF Global Cluster Coordination Unit is planning to organize in May and June and the lessons and discussion here will feed into the other sessions of the stocktaking workshop.


Cristina Mena Lander – UNICEF

Francois Bellet – WASH Cluster coordinator

South Sudan WASH cluster coordination team

Masumi Yamashina – UNICEF



Useful links / additional materials online (if applicable):

IASC GBV Guidelines website. It has many examples and resources of GBV risk mitigation.

Sign up for the Global Wash Cluster event

Main Event Concept Note and Agenda Dates 19th - 23rd April 2021 – from 14h30-17h00 CEST each day

Please note that registration is required in order to participate - final confirmations for participation will be sent to your email by Wednesday 14th April.


Thanks for your registration, we will keep you informed by email.