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Friday, 30 April 2021
13:00 - 14:00 UTC

Riding the COVID Wave – What COVID can do for the H in WASH

COVID-19 has put the need for strong hygiene promotion and community engagement front and centre, and has brought about an unprecedented level of collaboration, investment and innovation to support progress in these areas. At the same time, it has re-emphasised some of the long existing challenges for HP and CE within the WASH sector. This session offers an opportunity to reflect on how to engage with and respond to these challenges and strengthen hygiene promotion in global, regional and national humanitarian WASH responses, drawing on the experience of national and sub-national HP TWiGs and Clusters.


Michelle Farrington (OXFAM)

Tom Heath (ACF)

Janita Bartell (UNICEF)


ACF, UNICEF and Oxfam on behalf of the HP TWG

Useful links / additional materials online (if applicable):


Sign up for the Global Wash Cluster event

Main Event Concept Note and Agenda Dates 19th - 23rd April 2021 – from 14h30-17h00 CEST each day

Please note that registration is required in order to participate - final confirmations for participation will be sent to your email by Wednesday 14th April.


Thanks for your registration, we will keep you informed by email.