Launch of the “Compendium of Water Supply Technologies in Emergencies”
During the meeting the new “Compendium of Water Supply Technologies in Emergencies” and its corresponding online platform will be officially launched.
The “Compendium of Water Supply Technologies in Emergencies” offers a comprehensive and structured planning guide on available water supply technology options in humanitarian settings. It disaggregates technologies into their functional components, clarifies terminology and provides guidance for identifying the most appropriate water supply technology solutions in a given context and for all relevant response phases. It supports decision making when designing a water supply system and offers concise information on key decision criteria for each technology and facilitates the combination of technologies to come up with full technical water supply system solutions. It also links the technologies to relevant cross-cutting issues and further resources.
The development of the compendium has been a collaborative effort of the German WASH Network and the University of Applied Science and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, together with Global WASH Cluster (GWC) partners and contributions from a multitude of international WASH experts and organisations.
If you are interested to receive a hardcopy version of the compendium please provide your contact details (full name and address) during the registration process and we will make sure to send you a copy right after the event.
Length: Variable. Between 30-60min depending on interest from the participants to engage in the discussion
Thomas Henzschel (GFFO)
Marc-André Bünzli (SDC)
Robert Gensch (GTO)
German WASH Network, FHNW, SuSanA, GWC
Useful links / additional materials online (if applicable):
The link to the softcopy version and the corresponding online platform will be shared during the event. Interested participants will receive a hardcopy version of the compendium via mail after the event.